Wednesday 9 February 2011

How I Loved Jagat

This is a true story. A real one. Nothing exaggerated. Nothing embellished. This is a true story. This is how I fell in love…

The sea is a special thing. It reflects you in a way you don’t like to see yourself. It reflects you in a pure melted state of mind.

The beach is a sandy thing. It gets into places you least expected. It’s clean when it’s really dirt!

The bonfire was a romantic thing. It keeps us warm and cozy. It keeps us wondering how we ever would have lived without it.

Amsterdam. Shoulders. July.

Waves crashed onto our toes. The multicoloured skirt was paired with a strappy black thing. I was to be paired with a half-Finnish thing. Waves crashed onto our toes.

SunBoy: *months of the year in Finnish*
Pari: *months of the year in Finnish*
RBoy: *months of the year in Finnish*

SunBoy: *Legal/Illegal things in Amsterdam*
RBoy: *Legal/Illegal things in Amsterdam*
Pari: I’m cold…

…And the hand will go around the shoulder. 

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