Sunday 28 August 2011

3 dead mosquitoes

I want to tell someone I love them
I want to tell someone I long for them
I want to sigh out loud
and kill a mosquito with it

She moved a lot as a child
She was moved a lot as a child
She just sighed everytime she lost a friend
She just sighed
and killed a mosquito with it

Welcome to her world
unstable as it is
It grew her strong
She grew up,
Her world sighed her out of its arms
Killing mosquitoes with it

She knew herself as a child
And as her knowing grew
so did this bucket of paint
hanging above the porch
gathered dead mosquitoes

I long for that one gentle kiss
To tell me that this unstability is
all just a way of counting dead mosquitoes
that this insecurity is just a way of saying
goodbye to childhood

I don't mind laughing too loud or crying too hard
Show her what you got other than yellow sticky paint,
black polka dots
a broken heart and 3 dead mosquitoes

1 comment:

  1. Hey! This is another beautiful piece. I just love this poem it speaks volumes. Its simple, but effective, and that is what I like about poetry. It can be just a few words long, but have so much meaning. This is very well done and a pleasure to read and I was moved. Wonderful expressive poetry!"
