Thursday 17 May 2007

Makes me Wonder

*note: read this aloud with your fakest english accent*

These are things I've always wondered about

~*~ What do flyovers look like from the cock pit of a helicopter?

I'm guessing the ones in B'lore(the dairy circle one, the Airport rd one and the residency rd one) look like the stretched out tentacles of an octopus..but i still wanna check for myself.

~*~ Why do people find it so difficult to pronounce and remember my name?!

That is one unanswerable quest. If I start listing out the innumerable ways in which my name has been twisted, I'll never finish this post..And it's not only my first surnames, middle names and nicknames have been disrespected as well! what an outrage! ok..I know my name is rare and unique and you, in your ignorant world, have never heard it before..but that gives u no right to trample all over it!

Another thing is your memory...once you learn to pronounce my name, (I let u off when u come close enough to the original) u take the liberty to bury it in the remotest corner of your unfanthomably tiny brain and 'forget' it!

Now if u take the trouble to know me, u'll know how i smile when i see someone struggling to remember what I'm called. It gives me great pleasure (and sometimes grave frustration) to find someone screwing up their foreheads, pulling their hair and fidgeting with their fingers in an attempt to uncover that secret hideout, within themselves, where my name has conveniently found its refuge...(wow! I just personified my name!)

I'd like to know what it feels like to be that (above described) person. While I await that incredible oppurtunity, I request u to stop messing with my beautiful, perfectly inappropriate names and avoid calling me the first thing that comes to ur head when that seemingly difficult 'struggle' ends.

Hmmm....there are a no of other things I muse about in my most muddled up mind..presently breakfast awaits and as most of u know emptiness of stomach blocks the ability to think in a sufficiently muddled manner and therefore i must stop here.

ps: I love the no of 'm's in that last sentence :)


  1. i hope i haven't mispronounced ur name. i know i haven't actually!! keep up the blogging pari....

  2. Hi munch!
    Na..u've been very careful...u know how hard my knock-over-the-head is, dont ya? lol...keep commenting!

  3. I remember calling you
    Paarnika Raise Gemet at one point.
    Hee hee. I apologise. :D

  4. Ha ha...thats sober compared to some of the others..working on the list..

  5. i dunno.....can t blame them....u do sorta just say it...not very clearly at that....sigh

  6. the most recent and possibly most screwed up spelling of my name to date
    Pomika Rays Gomat
    I mean this has to be smt done by christ college!!
